Sunday, May 21, 2006
We've been taking the dogs out and away for walks on the weekends. We tried Teller Trail but no dogs allowed where we wanted to go, so went to Walden Ponds in East Boulder. This is a place that took me several visits to really appreciate. It's basically some holes in the ground that were strip mined, then allowed to filll with water to make a wetland area. In the dry winter, it can seem pretty desolate. During drought, it's downright sad. But right now, the ponds are full and lots of birds are visiting. The most noticeable ones are the big white pelicans with those black tips. They look like swans but their beaks give them away. There are lots of duck families, too - we counted 4 sets of parents and ducklings just at the Wally Toevs pond. The Continental Divide views are always breathtaking but this time of year, there is more to see that is close to hand that entertains.