Saturday, October 07, 2006

It's already time to go home. Made a lot of progress this time with Ellen here. Coming back in a month or so. I've pretty much decided that going back and forth is the path we are going to follow for the next few years. I look around and try to image the puppers living here with all the sirens and helicopters and speeding cars. I can't take it any further than that. And now I've been thinking hard about another Wheatie spotted on Sugar says no, not now. He and the pups make good anchors.

Lots to be said for Boulder: It's clean and there are smart people living there. Stunning scenery to see everyday. Manageable sized town, great and lovely open space trails. Known and favorite places to shop. Love the business and how far it's come. I know it like the back of my hand.

Lots to be said for this area in Hollywood: Great plants producing all year long. Wonderful mountain views when the skies are clear. An ocean that isn't too far away. Lots of exploring still to do (this time we found the Silver Lake area) like the Getty Museum and park trails, and all sorts of food to find and try. And of course, thousands of Scientologists to get to know.

Ok, well, pack up and take the Metro to the train. Home tomorrow.