We went to the Bolder Boulder festivities today. Sweetie ran in it while Honey slept in. Sugar and I walked downtown to the stadium to see the last runners come in and the show. I felt robbed of my annual high emotional moment that accompanies the parachuters jumping into the stadium to Lee Greenwood singing "Proud to be an American". The winds were strong enough to push them a) into the crowd b) onto the bleachers c) onto a tree in the park next door! No one was hurt and they still entertained us. My moment came later when we were singing "The Star Spangled Banner" and right as we hit "The laaand of the freeeeeeeeeeee!", the fighter jets flew over with one missing. That is always a powerful sight for me.
Another powerful sight is all the runners who participate. The wheelchair racers, the disabled people, the palsied children in strollers pushed by relatives, the way out of shape people who look like they are struggling but having the time of their lives. I love all the humanity at this event.